**Winter Tips - Dogs get cold too! **

**Winter Tips - Dogs get cold too! **

**Winter Tip - Dogs get cold too! **

With the arctic weather coming in this weekend remember to keep your dog bundled up!

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), small dogs that are less than ten pounds (like Chihuahuas and toy terriers), short-haired breeds like greyhounds, and short-legged breeds like dachshunds need coats because they are more likely to get cold faster.

Our team got together this morning and here are a few of our go to pieces that will keep every dog safe, warm, and cozy during this ice cold weekend! (Follow the links for more information):

1. Polar Fleece Tracksuit (Pictured above) - http://bit.ly/2ho3PzX
2. Horse Blanket (ie. Signature red plaid)) - http://bit.ly/2AwVqAa
3. Goose Puffer Coat (ie.Brown, Cranberry Puffer ) - http://bit.ly/2zCyq36
4. Cashmere Sweaters (ie. Herringbone Cashmere )- http://bit.ly/2gGwrmI

Remember dogs get cold too! SO bundle up its cold out there! If you have any questions comment below! I want to hear from you! What do you want to learn about?

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