3/11 Amanda Hearst Writes, "Decisions, Decisions"  while Mentioning CS Red Parka in The NYTimes.com

3/11 Amanda Hearst Writes, "Decisions, Decisions" while Mentioning CS Red Parka in The NYTimes.com

Amanda Hearst Writes, "Decisions, Decisions"  while Mentioning CS Red Parka in The NYTimes.com 

AMANDA HEARST, 27, is an associate market editor and a blogger at Marie Claire magazine, one of the publications of the Hearst Corporation, which was founded by Amanda’s great-grandfather, William Randolph Hearst. She lives in the West Village and is active on the boards of several charities. CHLOE MALLE

 Amanda - The New York Times - Canine Styles

Ready to see the full article? ---> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/13/fashion/13WHATIWORE.html

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